Stop Psy War .com / Stop Mind Control .com

Also See Problems, Solutions, History of TI Political Activism
, and Fundraising.
Also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, StopBlackOps,com, and
Also see Solutions,,, and /  StopPoliticalAssassinations. com.
Learn, Adjust, Shield, Survive.  Eventually Win.
/ / / / / / /  Fundraising: Donate Button
/ / / / /
GoFundMe Donate Button
Solutions.  5-HTP. / / Defend/Improve Brainpower.GoFundMe Donate Button Donate Button /  Also /
TI Organizing Strategy, Educate First, Build a larger TI anti-mind control freedom faction.  See History of TI Political Activism.GoFundMe Donate Button / [undeveloped.]  Also / [2000:?.  2020:OK.].
Political Empowerment Resources: [legacy 1998-2006, to be updated].,, [Legacy 1998-2006, outdated.]  What's New.

EVENTUALLY STOPPING Illegal Disabling Toxic and Harmful use/abuse of Mind Control Technology.

TI or Targeted Individual Websites: Targeted Justice, PACTS:People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International, and links.  (FFCHS [2006-2015 and later] + FFTI were earlier TI political organizing efforts.)

Reformatted for android viewing 7/4/23.
Top of page index revised 1/29/25, content revised 7/19/21.     email:
web stats [since 8/18/20] Links 

Internet Analysis and Links About PsyWar, Electronic Harassment, Targeted Individuals, Mind Control, etc

Index to Analysis and Links
Introductory Analysis of the Mind Control Problem
      3 Different Website Reader's Goals
      Freedom vs. Mind Control. A brief analysis of the mind control problem
          Mind Control
               1. Mind Control Technology 
               2. Mind Control Organization
      Political summary: resistance against mind control in 2021

Ed Harding's links

TI Info
: Scholarly, Technical, Wikipedia Data, Survival and Coping, and Political
TI Websites, Books, and Articles
Scholarly TI Info about Mind Control
TI Technical Info about Mind Control
Wikipedia Data NEW
TI Survival and Coping
    TI Politics

Targeted Individual Organizations

United States Targeted Individual or TI Organizations
International Targeted Individual or TI Organizations

NEW<start of a new DRAFT version still under gradual revision as of 7/19/2021.  I have more data and links to add later.>

Introductory Analysis of the Mind Control Problem
This includes:
1. 3 Different Website Reader's Goals: 1) Understanding mind control, 2) Surviving mind control, and 3) Solving the mind control problem.
2. Freedom vs. Mind Control. A brief analysis of the mind control problem.
3. Political summary: resistance against mind control in 2021.

3 Different Website Reader's Goals
People reading this website probably have 3 different goals:
1.  Understanding the mind reading and mind control problem.  (Most people in 2021 don't understand, believe, acknowledge, and/or admit that mind reading and mind control even exist.  But, in fact, this semi-covert hi-tech technology is amazingly complex and powerful.  And I've tried to assemble some of the best info and links about mind control in this links page.)
2.  Surviving the mind reading and mind control problem.  (If you are currently zapped, intermittently zapped, suspect you have been previously zapped, and/or are concerned and/or worried about being zapped in the future, then your goal is probably to survive mind control and mind reading zaps.)
3.  Solving the mind reading and mind control problem.  (Mind control resistance is real and it has existed for years but it still small and probably must grow a lot more first before it is strong enough to be an effective political movement that can try to eventually solve the entire mind control problem in America.)
      Most people (maybe 95-99%) do not understand, acknowledge, and/or admit the problem of illegal covert mind reading and mind control yet.  People who are being actively zapped and are coping with illegal covert mind reading and mind control technology being used against them (with/without their knowledge) are probably at the coping and legal and economic survival level.  (The people who are best prepared to economically survive and resist covert electronic mind control attacks are probably retired people and possibly unzapped and/or only rarely zapped people.)  People who are aware and/or become aware of the problem and have successfully dodged it/survived it might be able to eventually warily collectively shut mind control down by political resistance and political activism.

Freedom vs. Mind Control.  A brief analysis of the mind control problem

     America is one of the freeest countries in the world.  As I document in History of TI Political Activism, America has a wonderful history and legacy of freedom, and a wonderful history of political activism striving to increase the number of human rights Americans enjoy while technology increased human prosperity.  While the American ideal of freedom was not historically granted to everyone instantly, America has been a relatively free country that has historically strived to expand freedom and human rights during its history.  Probably 95-100% of American citizens realistically believe and expect to believe that America is free. (America's estimated 10.5 million undocumented immigrants, however, are coping and surviving without the full legal rights American citizens are legally and constitutionally entitled to.)
     For an expanded analysis of this, you can read Freedom is An Essential American Value at the beginning of History of TI Political Activism.

Mind Control
     However, a few threats to American freedom have emerged during the past during and after the 1945-1991 Cold War between the US and USSR.  My focus and concern is on stopping mind control, which the CIA started officially researching and developing with Project MKULTRA in 1953.  There are 2 components to this problem:
1. The growth of covert or semi-covert sound beam, mind reading, and mind control technology.  Technology can now beam sound at human targets, beam, manipulate/mind read/mind control, and communicate with human brains in addition to beaming and communicating with mobile cell phones, androids [portable hand-held mini-computers], and computers.
2. The development of a mind-reading and mind control covert ops force in America that has allegedly existed for decades (definitely going as far back as 1981, and probably going as far back as 1963.)
     Many illegally covertly persecuted mind control victims believe that semi-secret mind reading, mind control, and electronic harassment technology is inherently illegal and unconstitutional in America and/or in the country they are being illegally covertly persecuted in (with the possible exception of CIA use against foreign spies and foreign terrorists).
     Mind reading or borg network participants have been rationalizing a pre-existing mind control network for years (ever since it was probably underway in 1963 and definitely underway in 1981).
     It has probably been rationalized by American
national/factional concerns, including the 1945-1991 Cold War conflict, reducing/stopping 1960's and early 1970's protests and social upheaval, and a 2001-now global War on Terrorism.
     It has probably been rationalized by the large amounts of money spent, possibly sometimes in a wasteful or boondoggle fashion, on secret national security programs, the FBI, and FBI contracts for police departments.  This spending includes a secret federal "black" budget that is estimated to cost around $81 billion/year spent on secret federal government programs, the FBI's 35,000 people workforce, and alleged FBI contract money in the FBI and/or some police departments.  Some of the FBI mind reading contractor money might have been paid by the FBI's $30 billion ceiling 2010-2020/later ITSSS contract (estimated by Bloomberg Government to cost an acknowledged $600-$850 million/year), the FBI's new $5 billion ITECS contract that is probably still under development in 2020, and maybe other DOJ contracts.  Also, the FBI as of Dec. 13, 2018 is even contracting out a 1973 CIA scrubs MKULTRA and destroys secret documents-style burning of an estimated 53 tons of secret FBI documents.
    It has also probably been rationalized by a mix of opportunistic shady fast-cash seeking opportunism (often sometimes dishonest, illegal, immoral, and/or harmful to an illegally persecuted targeted individual), groupthink or borg network peer pressure, mind controllers pressuring/coercing/dominating/brain disabling/zombifying the mind readers, blaming the mind controllers, claiming duress, and a mix of ensnared and/or partially mind-controlled/mind-enslaved by sometimes very irresponsible borg network software sound beam, mind reading, and mind control software operators who might haphazardly overheat zapped victims lives to the point of stress, lack of sleep, lack of brainpower, lack of income, or even rarely lethal tragedy, and/or might disable, zombify, and slow down a borg network to the point of borg network mashup conflict not driving the mind control software operators totally nuts.  It also also been rationalized as economic survival by some workers who have been reading minds for years as a full-time job.
     It has probably been rationalized by a might makes right and live strong mentality and a groupthinking borg network that unfortunately probably attracts opportunism, short-sighted greed, and corruption and sometimes drives its anti-mind control opponents out of borg networks, and sometimes drives its peace and quiet and privacy-seeking and/or retirement-seeking anti-mind control opponents out of some police units, out of some organizational leadership, and/or out of some political leadership positions that are too hot and too vulnerable to being zapped by a mind controlling, brain disabling, and life sabotaging powerful mind-control technology often divided and quarrelsome borg network that is probably much less than 1% of the population.
     To some opponents of mind control, and even to some of mind reading and mind control's borg network participants, mind-reading and mind control borg networks are a time-consuming, life-draining bother that is probably currently easier to put up with for now than actively try to shut down now.

     1. Mind control technology
     Part of the mind reading and mind control problem is the new mind reading and mind control technology. Semi-secret mind control technology, over the years, has grown amazingly powerful, with wireless mind reading, mind control technology including Silent Sound Spread Spectrum cloning the emotions technology, local and alleged satellite-based mind control beam weapon attacks, and beam weapon technology, computer technology, internet technology, satellite technology, cell phone technology, and wireless communication technology allowing the creation of a real life semi-covert borg mind reading and mind control network with an estimated 200-2000 mind control teams targeting Americans in America and probably thousands of mind reading and mind control communication channels in America and more channels around the world.

     2. Mind control organization
     Combined with the technological growth of mind control technology, a few political trends enhanced the power of covert mind-control using intelligence networks.  These trends included:
     1. The international development and funding of covert worldwide CIA operations in order the win the 1945-1991 Cold War conflict between the US and USSR.  (This included, for example, the CIA's Operation Cyclone paying an estimated 20 billion dollars to Muslim jihadists from 1979-1993 to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.)
     2. Cold war era countersubversion programs of the 1960s and early 1970s that targeted 1960's political activism and political activists, including the FBI's COINTELPRO, the CIA's Operation CHAOS, and the military's CONUS, were another threat to freedom.  These programs and their employees probably morphed into the mind reading, mind control, electronic harassment, in person harassment, investigation, and mobile investigation/gangstalking political harassment tactics of today.
     3. The preventable 9-11-2001 tragedy and the resulting we forgot to win it and quit it 2001-now 17 year War on Terrorism and a related quagmire of middle eastern military conflict.  Some whistleblowers, like Edward Snowden, have revealed excessive spying on Americans by a government excessively worried about the very small percentage of violence in America labeled Muslim terrorism.
     4. An alleged mind reading and mind control network of an estimated 200-2000 allegedly full-time semi-covert mind reading and mind control beam weapon software operator teams (with an estimated 2-3 workers/team).  Some mind reading and mind control beam weapon software operators have self-identified as federal agents (either CIA and/or FBI and/or contractors).
     5. A semi-covert government mind reading and mind control boondoggle program, where a network of probably thousands of mind control victims (often secondary/accidental mind control beam weapon targets) seeking extra money to survive and/or enrich themselves are seeking additional income probably far faster than government mind control programs are funded to pay them.  This has probably led to the growth of a group of sometimes impoverished sometimes dysfunctional often initially drafted mind reading/undercover/secret police/borg network people seeking investigation money and/or "skit" money.
     6. A mind control network that is large but very dysfunctional and very quarrelsome that can steal brainwave data but is sometimes filled with imposters, rumor, lies, and disinformation that often has an extremely difficult time persuading anyone to do anything dumb and also continue to do sometime dumb after a mind control beam weapon operator is not actively attempting to remote control a mind control victim to be a dumb mind-controlled individual.
     7. Please bear in mind that this very dysfunctional sometimes nutty mind reading and mind control borg network that usually involves a small number of mind-read victims per beam channel is dwarfed by the overwhelming majority of at least 99% of 331 million free sane Americans.
    To update a few quotes, Martin Luther King [who was tragically killed by James Earl Ray, an alleged mind control victim, in 1968, while King was staying at the Lorraine motel in Memphis, TN] once claimed we have "guided missiles and misguided men."  Now we have "guided [mind reading and mind control semi-covert] laser beam mind control beam weapons and misguided men."  While people have claimed that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", we can claim that "Mind control technology doesn't zap/mind control/disable/slow kill people, illegal covert ops mind control beam weapon software operators with semi-covert mind control beam weapons haphazardly zap/mind control/disable/slow kill people".  Powerful technology like mind reading and mind control beam weapon technology combined with illegal and unconstitutional covert political persecution, mind-reading and/or "skit work" and/or gangstalking harassment/investigation, and/or dysfunctional mind reading and mind control borg networks can harm people.

Political summary: political resistance against mind control in 2021

     If you want to better understand a small but critically important 2021 political resistance movement by targeted individuals against illegal and unconstitutional mind reading and mind control technology and hi-tech electronic harassment, here is a quick summary:
     Very briefly, targeted individuals are a very small number of people with a very important political reform freedom from hi-tech political persecution agenda.  I think we need to survive potentially stressful lives, try to reduce/shut down the illegal hi-tech political persecution, shield ourselves against mind control beam weapon attacks, document, study, document some more, and eventually greatly expand our numbers before we can expect to eventually win.
    Targeted individuals have, over the years, been able to post data to the Internet documenting their political struggle.  In contrast to conventional political protests, where many people converge to add their political voices and numbers to basic easy to understand political issues, TI political activism is a collection of dozens and probably hundreds of individual complainers and researchers making complex often initially hard to believe complaints about covert hi-tech political persecution.  Instead of collecting participants to collectively protest at a current rally [where they might be at some risk of being identified, targeted, zapped and/or gangstalked afterwards], TIs might be better off collecting and amassing our current and historical complaint data (including organizations, websites, website data, articles, emails, leaflets, news reports, books, EMF shielding data, anti-mind control documentaries, YouTube videos, graphics, cartoons, patent lists, court cases/lawsuit lists, affidavits, political legislation lists, protest pictures, etc.) and trying to unite our individual targeted individual survivors and occasional researchers who are researching and/or posting website data and/or researching and/or producing other TI documentation.  In other words, possibly more researching and website building, less in-person protests.
     At this point, there is a network of organizations, websites, email lists, and targeted individuals that comprise the political struggle for legal and human rights for targeted individuals or TIs in America and in the world.
     Prior to Oct. 2015, there was one major organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, that from around 2005-2015 was the premier TI political organization.  But it ran into electronic political persecution, alleged bookkeeping errors, conflict, resignations, and a split between the previous leader, Derrick Robinson and the previous board of directors, and their replacements, including a new FFCHS President, Darlene Miles, who eventually quit and FFCHS eventually shut down down and went defunct.  Derrick Robinson, after leading FFCHS from 2005-2015, founded PACTS, People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International, and he is sending out free email newsletters.
     While this network of targeted individuals seeking freedom from hi-tech electronic harassment and persecution and/or political harassment period has left a lot of data on the Internet, many individual webmasters and/or data posters have an inactive/dormant/previously active status on the Internet.  Mind control and electronic harassment can wear people out, and many people are too busy surviving and/or living their own lives instead of actively opposing mind control and actively opposing gangstalking using the noticeable tactic of current Internet web postings.
     While actual persecuted targeted individuals have usually been too busy to actively protest via web postings, protests, and/or traditional news-generating current events, undercover agents have in many cases been able to build their own websites, infiltrate TI organizations, and leave careful targeted individuals wary of the true allegiances and true employment payrolls of some of the people claiming to be politically active targeted individuals.
     Caution: some of the TIs who protested years ago might have been pressured during weeks, months, or even years of money-draining political persecution into quitting and/or taking payoffs from police and/or mind control factions to mind-read, investigate, and/or produce disinformation, and/or even try to set other people up.  Caution: the fact that someone wrote and/or posted a great article years ago does not guarantee that they are alive, honest, active, not government agents, and unpressured/unextorted by mind control today.
     There also exists a number of jaded burned out mind reading workers, some of them busy trying to earn money to survive as zapped and/or zapped disabled contractors.
     There also exists a number of individuals drafted into [illegal and unconstitutional] mind reading, mind control, and/or undercover, contractor, FBI contractor, and/or police mind-reading work.  These people are often ambivalent, often jaded, often burned out, and often want to quit and can be reminded that mind reading and mind control are illegal, wrong, and unconstitutional, and often a waste of time.
     There is also a growing number of usually normal people suspecting and/or discovering that mind reading and mind control technology is, in fact, very real.
     There is also a growing number of people who want to know how to survive, resist, and eventually shut down mind control technology.
     There also exists a huge uninformed pool of well-meaning freedom-loving Americans and freedom-loving people worldwide who do not know mind control is real.  Educating the people, gaining the sympathy of the people, gaining political solidarity, and eventually moral legal nonviolent political activism is probably the key to defeating mind control (as compared to burning out currently targeted individuals who might try to accomplish too much with too little too quickly).
     Social change activist veterans of the 1960's social change movements have started to reach retirement age.  (Someone who was 21 in 1968 would be 74 in 2021.)  Retired [or able to retire] social change activists from the 1960's social change movements are an additional group of probably mind-control resistant potential anti-mind control researchers, documentarians, and/or activists.  The people that stopped an unpopular war and ended the draft in the 60's and early 70's might eventually help stop mind control and a covert dirty beam weapon mind control psychological war in America and end the mind control draft of unwilling borg network participants in the future.
Caution: Mind control technology can potentially covertly remote control its targets or victims, steal private brainwave data, harass, steal and waste time, disable, disorient, trick, dupe, threaten, drain, and in rare circumstances even accidentally or deliberately kill a primary and/or secondary target.  (If you are ever zapped by mind reading and mind control beam weapons you'll probably want to escape being zapped and mind read and mind controlled ASAP without losing your freedom, your time, your private data, your job, your home, your health, and/or your money.)
Caution: Limitations and problems: While the issue of stopping mind reading and mind control is important to helping free targeted individuals, probably including many readers of this website, and the issue of stopping mind reading and mind control is probably important to helping America's leadership including politicians, top level leaders, influential people, and wealthy VIPs break free from mind control electronic brain disablement and/or corruption, the resources I'm listing here are limited: organizational membership is usually very small, websites are often in dormant status, and paid undercover who might/might not be zapped brain disabled themselves probably have more time and/or energy to interact with targeted individuals than most targeted individuals who might/might not be zapped disabled who are either struggling to survive and/or waiting for stopping mind control to grow into a stronger political movement.


Ed Harding's links  Get a quick understanding of mind control, covert ops, and psywar in America.  Get quick ideas for surviving electronic harassment sound beams, mind reading, and mind control, while remaining silent to preserve your legal constitutional 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, and Miranda right to remain silent.  Quickly learn how to partially shield yourself from covert mind reading and mind control beam weapon attacks using what you already own in your own home, like your hands, aluminum foil, and polyester and wool clothing.  Mind control disables brains. and can help people zapped by brain disabling beam weapons increase increase their brainpower and their productivity.  Mind reading and mind control in America is probably temporarily short term much safer than it seems.  However, if you get stuck and/or lured into it long term, it can potentially drain the hell out of victims lives and can in extreme cases lead to disability, unemployment, bankruptcy, and/or even death.  Mind control probably very slowly kills an estimated 1-40 people per state per year, and most of the deaths are probably from preventable accidents/tragedies.  Don't let mind control kill you.  You can read some blunt survival ideas about surviving covert hi-tech nonlethal mind reading and mind control political persecution. of TI Political Activism.  Eventually, the political power of freedom, democracy, and people power has to organize to first tame and then morally legally and nonviolently shut down MKULTRA mind reading and mind control technology that is illegally and unconstitutionally targeting normal legal U.S. American citizens.  Meanwhile, similar but still very small TI websites and organizations are springing up worldwide.  In America, most people are still unaware that mind control is in fact very real and most people who have discovered this are still trying to dodge mind reading and mind control trouble.  Political resistance is probably mostly at the focusing on survival level for TIs and targeted individuals.  (There is also a lot of complaining, sometimes by drafted mind reading workers, in borg networks but I would not rely on borg network complaints or comments to accomplish anything.)  I think people who are concerned about mind reading and mind control have a lot more learning and brainshielding to do instead of trying to single-handedly dramatically stop mind control now when group efforts later might be much more successful.
Ed's personal story can be found at  Ed's amazing true story of surviving illegal electronic political persecution in America from 2005-now is documented at documents Ed's careful attempts to document Jay's crimes to the proper law enforcement organizations primarily between from 2008-2009.  Ed was also zapped prior to 2005.

TI Info
: Scholarly, Technical, Wikipedia Data, Survival and Coping, and Political

Scholarly TI Info about Mind Control

These websites provide solid scholarly introductory data on mind control.  They do NOT provide detailed information on mind control technology or targeted individual or TI coping strategies and tactics.
Mind Control Information and Facts Summaries at mindcontrolinformation#mindcontrolsummaries provide a scholarly introduction to mind control.

Mind Control: America's Secret War is a 43 minute 2004 documentary movie on the history of mind control in America.  Produced by the History Channel.
Video: Mind Control: America's Secret War  By Cheryl Welsh.  Provides some quality well-documented scholarly information on mind control.

TI Technical Info about Mind Control

Mind Control...With Silent Sounds and Super Computers [written 5/11/
99] documents Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or SSSS or s-quad mind control technology.  By Judy Wall, editor, Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group.  It has also been posted in multiple locations on the Internet.
Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars [written in
2001] by Richard Alan Miller.  It has also been posted in multiple locations on the Internet.

Targeted Individuals: Technical Information [relatively new, epublished 12/23/16, 102 page pdf file], by Richard Lighthouse.  Free ebook.  It has also been posted in multiple locations on the Internet.  (Richard Lighthouse also has other free ebooks for targeted individuals listed at the bottom of this other webpage.)  Richard Lighthouse's anti-mind control research claims that 3640 MHz and 3920 MHz are 2 mind control frequencies he has detected using a very expensive Aaronia Spectran HF-4040 scanner.
"There are two signals that are being used from satellites in geosynchronous orbit; (1) Geolocation and tracking frequency of approximately 3640 MHz, (2) Harm frequency of approximately 3920 MHz, (3) Voltmeter readings of 0.8 millivolts to 10.0 millivolts on the top of the person's head;.."
Targeted Individuals: Technical Information [pdf] Spectran data images from the pdf Targeted Individuals: Technical Information [links to pdf]

The Matrix Deciphered 2006 and 11/8/10 full table of contents version [2006 and 11/18/10, 276 pages] does not include pictures.  The informative table of contents is skimmable.  The 276 page free ebook itself is long and complex.
The Matrix Deciphered
, the who should read this book version, with graphics in it and a glossary of terms near the end, by Robert Duncan.  (Long.  Does
not include a table of contents.)
     There is a different online version of The Matrix Deciphered with a table of contents and some graphics and some links.
     The Matrix Deciphered has also been posted in multiple locations is various editions and formats on the Internet.
The Matrix Deciphered [pdf] The Matrix Deciphered Neural Telemetry

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed [, 2010], by Robert Duncan.  Robert Duncan also wrote The Matrix Deciphered.
Book: Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed

Marshall Thomas produced books and videos about mind control.

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program [, 2007], by Marshall Thomas.
Bookl: Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
The presumably latest ebook version of "Monarch: The New Phoenix Program'' is for sale for $4.97 (using Internet Explorer or a similar web browser, but not Firefox) by Marshall Thomas.
A 9/30/11 ebook version of "Monarch: The New Phoenix Program", is also available for $9.99 from

Monarch Movie Trailer for the movie "Monarch: The New Phoenix Program II", by Marshall Thomas.  Very brief, only 34 seconds.

Monarch:The New Phoenix Program, 135 minutes/2:15, is a 2011 video by Marshall Thomas about mind control and the history of mind control in America.

Monarch:The New Phoenix Program II, 82 minutes/1:22, is a 2011 video by Marshall Thomas about mind control and the victims of mind control in America.  (The term RMA means Revolution in Military Affairs.  Marshall Thomas is referring to the RMA of the covert invention, production, and deployment of covert mind control technology by the CIA's 1953-1973 Project MKUltra and similar covert mind control programs.)
Monarch:The New Phoenix Program III, 45 minutes, is a 2011 video by Marshall Thomas about mind control and the victims of mind control in America.

Unscrambling Electronic Assault Technologies: Help for Targets and Members of the Media [12/6/13, 395 pages], by Eleanor White.  This 395 page compilation by Eleanor White includes multiple documents by Eleanor White.
Unscrambling Electronic Assault Technologies: Help for Targets and Members of the Media [pdf]

Downloadable PDF files from Targeted Individuals Canada. They have a HUGE website.
Psy-war bio-war [
2008/11/17, probably written in 2003] from the Internet Archive.  Psy-war bio-war is also downloadable from Targeted individuals Canada's download page.

For more technical info on mind control technology, try searching on "silent sound spread spectrum emotion cloning" (text/image search).
For more info on mind control and targeted individuals, try searching on "mind control" "targeted individual" (text/image search).
For more info on mind control and remote neural monitoring (mindreading), try searching on "mind control" "remote neural monitoring" (text/image search).
For more info on mind control and synthetic telepathy, try searching on "mind control" "synthetic telepathy" (text/image) search.

Wikipedia Data
Directed-energy weapon [DEW]
Sonic weapon [Including LRADs or Long Range Acoustical Devices]
Long Range Acoustic Device [LRAD]
Active Denial System [ADS]

Missing Wikipedia data entry: no entry for Silent Sound Spread Spectrum mind control technology.  According to a Dec. 13, 1996 letter from Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds, Inc.,
"...All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government"...
Poor quality Wikipedia data:
Electronic harassment.  [As of 7/19/21, Wikipedia data attempts to invalidate instead of carefully document legitimate claims of electronic harassment.]

TI Survival and Coping  Get quick ideas for surviving electronic harassment sound beams, mind reading, and mind control, while remaining silent to preserve your legal constitutional 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, and Miranda rights.  Quickly learn how to partially shield yourself from covert mind reading and mind control beam weapon attacks using what you already own in your own home, like your hands, aluminum foil, and polyester and wool clothing.  Mind control disables brains. and can help people zapped by brain disabling beam weapons increase increase their brainpower and their productivity. sells EMF shielding.

How to Tame a Demon [, 2014, 110 pages], by Robert Duncan, is a survival guide for people zapped with covert hi-tech electronic mind reading and mind control technology.  This book asks all the right survival-oriented questions that intelligent normal people turned into targeted individuals or TIs might ask.
Book: How to Tame a Demon

Coping With The Crime Of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment [2/14/10, 58 pages], by Eleanor White.

Coping With The Crime Of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment [pdf]

TI Politics
     There are plenty of pictures of targeted individual political protests against mind control.  To find this data for yourself, just try searching on targeted individual protest (image/text) search.
     There are also plenty of YouTube videos of targeted individual political protests against mind control.
     Instead of one main targeted individual TI human rights organization, TIs or targeted individuals have a network of many websites, documents, people, and complaints posted on the Internet.
     Caution: A prior national TI rights organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, FFCHS, existed from 2006-2015, went through turmoil starting in 2015, and is now defunct. Justice to Targeted Individuals.  [Website history: website first archived 1/8/18.]  Very interesting, but not always accurate, claims and information.
FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
[Website history: website first claimed archived 1/10/18.  First successfully retrieved archived data 3/28/19.]
PACTS International.  People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International
[Website history: website first archived 1/10/16.]

History of TI Political Activism.

Activism History [pdf]
Activism History.  Activism Events in the Fight to Expose and Stop Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment.

For more info on targeted individual political protests against mind control, try searching on targeted individual protest (image/text) search.
Here are a few sample targeted individual TI political events from 2017:
01/25/17: Memo to President Donald Trump [
1/25/17].  Caution: The memo probably contains some technical errors and it might overestimate the mind control problem.  (For example, the secret/covert/"black" US federal budget is more than 50 billion dollars/year, not more than a trillion dollars/year.)  Mind control victims know that mind control tech is real and should be shut down, but we're not experts in the actual mind control technology or the best way for the federal government to shut down mind control and provide fair mind control victim restitution/compensation.
July 2017: Call On the Participants of the G20 Summit 2017 in Hamburg [
July 2017].  Also posted elsewhere on the Internet.
7/24/17: Soleilmavis' Letter to President Donald Trump [7/24/17].
See the "Action Taken" section in this article by Paul Baird, the webmaster of

2017 First Annual Unity and Hope Conference
10/21-22, 2017. 2017 First Annual Unity and Hope Conference
Oct. 21-22, 2017.  Boston, MA.  The first targeted individual conference was a very small conference.

Targeted Individual Organizations
     Between 2006-2015, the main targeted individual organization was Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS).  FFCHS 2006-2015 leader Derrick Robinson left FFCHS in Oct. 2015 and started PACTS.
     Caution: These organizations and almost all of the websites are small and mainly provide info on the Internet.  Most of the TIs are very busy, so please be politely careful of anyone who does seem to have a lot of time to get involved in your personal drama, because they might be government agents/undercover/investigators and they might be more interested in getting paid to read minds and/or investigate instead of helping people.

United States Targeted Individual or TI Organizations
     Instead of one main targeted individual TI human rights organization, TIs or targeted individuals have a network of many websites, documents, people, and complaints posted on the Internet.
     Caution: A prior national TI rights organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, FFCHS, existed from 2006-2015, went through turmoil starting in 2015, and is now defunct. Justice to Targeted Individuals.  [Website history: website first archived 1/8/18.]  Very interesting, but not always accurate, claims and information.
FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
[Website history: website first claimed archived 1/10/18.  First successfully retrieved archived data 3/28/19.]
PACTS International.  People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International
[Website history: website first archived 1/10/16.]

International Targeted Individual or TI Organizations

Peace Pink.  [Website history: website first archived 9/30/08.]

<end of a new DRAFT version still under gradual revision as of 7/19/2021. I have more data and links to add later.>

Copyright © 2025 by Ed Harding.